Help wanted in all categories: Can you do anything with html? Come on in!
Can you respond to E-mails? Join the club!
Are you capable of promoting and advertising? Your needed!
Want to learn how to make a professional web site? I'll teach you!
You don't get paid but everyone who looks at this site will know you and it may be thousands a day!
Just E-Mail me with the subject heading: I'll Work!�
��� Links
I have been all over the web and a website would have to be really interesting in order for me to bookmark it.�
One of my overall favorites is a 3 Dimensional home provider. It allows you to move throughout a "Town" on the web. I have created my own that is in it's first stages. There is a room contributed to Southpark. When the company upgrades (It is a new web provider), I will upgrade my house as well. Here is the link to my house there is a few second download but don't worry it is all scanned: Here
Here is the Main Page. If you create one yourself tell them iamdaman sent you:
Got Ideas?
I'm open to suggestions & comments! E-mail me with the link above by the subject heading: Idea
I promise this site will be updated by Sept 1st 1999. Want to be informed on when? E-mail me with the subject heading: Mailing list
While your here please sign my guestbook, I always say hi to whoever sings it, or if you are a little anti-social maybe not.�
I now have my chat up and ready so maybe you'll find someone to say hi to. I have 2 of them: one has restrictions to foul language and so on the other is open for anything you can dish out.�
As far as I know it works on AOL 4.0, for sure it works perfect on Internet Explorer 4.0 & up. Sorry for this inconvenience but it's a beta chat room (It's in it's testing stages.)�
Andrew's Chat Room with restrictions:
Andrew's Chat room w/o restrictions:�
my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |